
Saturday, January 7, 2012

My MacGuyver Moment

So yesterday in our rush to leave the house Tiki and I inadvertently locked the keys inside our room.


And since we are notoriously paranoid about being robbed, all the windows were locked up tight also.  So without a spare key and no other way to get in we were quite stumped.

I have broken into my own house a few times before using a credit card trick that a friend once taught me in high school.  So armed with this limited knowledge, I tried my best to get the door unlocked.

Suffice to say there was no joy after a good 10-15 minutes of trying, and since the day was very hot I was sweating and getting more frustrated by the second.

In the mean time my lovely boyfriend Tiki was outside the house trying HIS best to "jimmy" a window open.

...Still no luck.

I was almost out of patience and was about to get Tiki to kick the door in when I had an epiphany!

I quickly ran to the living room and grabbed a flower from his Grandmothers fake flower arrangement and pulled the wire out of the stem.  Then I went into the bathroom and got out this weird blackhead scraper thing that I saw in the shop (and was curious enough to buy) and proceeded to try and unlock the door with this method.

Now I have seen this done numerous time on television, with various tools and I have always thought it was near impossible unless you:

A: had the appropriate tools;
B: was well practised in the art of B&E (break and enter, not bacon and eggs!).

And so there I was, under no illusion that it would work, but still trying to maintain the faith that I could do anything, I poked those two tools in the keyhole and fiddled around until...

. . . CLICK

It turned! The locked actually turned and the door swung open.

Oh the joy and elation and feeling of achievement that flowed through my veins is indescribable.  Tiki pats me on the shoulder and says to me "Love, you are the BOMB! Way to go, my MacGuyver."

I have to say, I was pretty full of myself for the rest of the day and even did my best not to brag about my accomplishment.

Just as soon as "Grandma" goes to her rest home I will be able to stop locking my bedroom door.

And if you're thinking "Wait, you live with your boyfriends Grandma?" I have this to say to you: First of all SHE lives with ME and it is because of necessity and not by choice, so keep your fucking opinions to yourself OK?!

Know me before you judge me Fool.

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