
Sunday, January 8, 2012

2012 Resolutions

Ok, ok...

I know its a bit late to be writing about New Years Resolutions but I usually make them and then break them immediately. So this time around I decided to make the resolutions internally and try them out for a week or so and see how it goes.  Now that it is the 10th of January 2012, I am confident enough in my progress to share.

The first internal resolution I made was to stop drinking fizzy drinks and drink only water.
This one was easy to start off with as I had a rather EPIC drinking session on New Years eve which then carried on till around 7pm on New Years DAY!  Obviously there's no explanation needed as to why this resolution was made...I spent the next TWO days hung over as a MOFO and could only keep water down.  So I have to say that this resolution is a keeper!
Note: And Please do not get on my back about how bad binge drinking is BLAH BLAH destroys families BLAH BLAH bad for your health BLAH BLAH ruins your kidneys, can end up on dialysis BLEEEHHH...

I KNOW OK? I'm not stupid I was just having a really good time...and I don't usually drink that much.

Anyway, like I said, its the 10th of Jan and I have only had maybe 2 sips of cola and got such a bad headache afterwards (I know I wont be doing that again any time soon HA!), but other than that I have drank 1.5+ litres of water a day and LOVE it! After the initial Coke withdrawals wore off I am feeling much better and healthier...

Which brings me to resolution number 2 - No more sugar!

I'm not much of a candy fan, and I don't like ice cream and cake is really a once in a while thing for me.  The only weakness I have is chocolate.  I don't eat as much of it these days but I will pop chocolate squares in my mouth non-stop without even noticing it!  So yeah, no sugar for me...This one is not so hard to keep I think, I mean, I'm already mostly sugar free anyways...

Lead on resolution 3! - Eat healthier.

I'm not new to diets and eating healthy and such, its just that there are so many more delicious foods that are "non-healthy" that I prefer.  This on is going to be a little tougher than the others because although I'm sick to DEATH of greasy take out foods, I'm ashamedly addicted to them. So far I have been doing OK but I'll have to keep you posted on that one...

The rest of my resolutions are rather clichéd...Stop smoking, lose weight etc....these are the ones I'm really going to have to put REAL willpower and hardwork into!

So yeah that's that.

What are your New Years Resolutions and have you been successful?

Let me know in the comments section and subscribe if you like or don't, up to you...xo

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