
Friday, January 27, 2012

News & Update

Yay Me!!

I just bought my very first DSLR digital camera!  I'm so excited!  It was such a great bargain, but I would've had it even cheaper if I had followed my first instincts .

MEH . . . I paid for it and now it is mine! Ha Ha!

I did my homework on it too, for a camera of its age it is of remarkably good quality .  It has most of the same features that most spanking new cameras out these days with none of the "flashy bang bang hoopla" and just does what its supposed to (which is ultimately what I'm after), unlike this haggard old laptop of mine, but that will all soon change when Sala gets back from Australia (Sorry Doll, Mama spoiled your surprise.

OK, granted it is so old that when it was released on the market, I was barely legal, but that wont stop me from enjoying it to the fullest .

My hubby said to me that if this gadget I buy doesn't work (like the last three...), I'm banned from buying electronic goods online . . . I think that's fair enough .  He's a smart guy, so he's probably saying it for a good reason . . .
(-_-) smarty pants .

Anyway since I now have a digital camera , and a new laptop on the way (which I have plans to bling and deco den like all my other gadgets), I'll be able to post more pics here and make my blog so much more interesting!

I really seriously CANNOT wait . . . but I have to because it has to be shipped and it will take at least 3-5 days . . . tick tock . . . tick tock.  *looks out window (not here yet) disappointed face*

Gah! I hate waiting!  AWEH . . . Still, I guess I could use the time to figure out what fantastic things I will be able to do with said camera and laptop combo .

And as soon as it arrives I'm going to be on it like flies on shit .

I have a few other pieces of equipment that I have to get in order to complete my ideal "beginners blogging bundle" (ooh look I alliterated! Me so clever, Yes I'm are. <<<In " joke), all I need now is a remote, a tripod, and ring light and bucket loads of bling. Whee!

And once my bundle is completed . . . . . I shudder in anticipation . . . aaahhh, the possibilities are endless!

tee hee .

Ok, ok I will let you know when it arrives and will take some courtesy pics for you to scrutinize.  I say these things like I have an actual fan base WTF?! *giggles to self*

NVM . . . maybe one day . . .



Anyway, I thought since my last post was about Tiki and myself quitting smoking I would do an attached update .  So here it is:

So far, so good . . . I guess.

The past week has been filled to the brim with every possible hurdle that could be thrown at us to make quitting smoking as hard as it could be .  There have been so many "Ups and Downs" and boy they do add up and wham you right in the face if you try to ignore them!!  They're like tiny insects that try to burrow under your skin and you just brush them off absently only to find that they have multiplied infinitely each time *shudders at thought of tiny insects burrowing under skin*, and the tension starts to build .

It was easy the first few days, but then we had the aid of nicotine patches to stave off the pangs of withdrawals .  After that we talked about trying to wean ourselves off the patches to make sure we don't become too reliant on them and switch from being dependant on a cigarette to being dependant on a patch . Three days in, the patches came off, and the slow but inevitable nagging and bickering began .  It was like the mere sight of each other was too much too bear, and we found the most ludicrous things to pick at .

We argued, we didn't talk for a day or two and then we went back to "normal".

Where "normal" means we have moved on from the "mean" kind of bickering to the "pretending-not-to-be-mean-but-really-are-but-doing-it-in-a-nice-way-that-still-stings-and-pisses-the-other-off-but-isn't-mean-enough-to-start-a-fight" kind of bickering and I PRAY we will move on from that too  . . .

Interesting, isn't it?  The fact that a conscious decision we made as an adult couple to make our lives better by quitting something disgusting, unnatural and costly would send us into an unusual and unfamiliar spiral of emotions .  But in saying that, it has been a total of  10 days that we've been smoke-free .

Soon all of the bitching and moaning will be a thing of the past and we will live happily ever after!

It's totally worth it, a week or two of little arguments is nothing compared to a long and healthy life together .

Here's to health and long life!! 

Wish us LUCK and SUCCESS!! 


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