
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Was it something I said?


Santa must have read my earlier ranting post about Christmas being awful and put me on the "Naughty List".  Because no matter how hard I try, I can't find a single gift. *sad face*

I thought for a bit about it, and although I'm not a big gift giver, its always nice to get something, right?  Searched high and low and still no trace...

Still, I have to admit, my Christmas this year (from Christmas day onward) was quite excellent.  I made special dishes for the at home feast and some other special request dishes to take with me to family that I visited.  They we're all happy joy about their food gifts and the "Thank You"'s  dished out we're quite sufficient indeed.

Oh good grief, I sound so annoying...but I don't care, it's my blog and Ill say what I damn well please!

Never mind...I just hope all the children of the world got to have a nice, happy Christmas.

Hope the New Year turns out better...

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