
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

*Rambling on...*


Xiaxue is hilarious!

I've been a fan of hers for quite sometime (like first ever blog post I read, I was hooked) and I have mentioned her before in prior posts, but until recently I had never read any of her posts from BEFORE she was famous,WHAT!?  So this morning since I had nothing else to do, I decided to read a couple of her earliest posts...


I just read the one about llamas.......FUCKING HILARIOUS!! spit, grass, grassy spit, spitty grass...FML I laughed so loud...

Some people obviously wouldn't find that funny but I do, and I'm proud that I have a warped sense of humour...keeps me interesting right?

And I mean, she's just super clever and witty.  I think I like reading her blog so much because I can relate to some of her experiences and secretly I wish I had her courage to write such a personal blog.

The WHOLE reason I started this blog was because of XX! I wont say I want to be like her, because I like being an individual and besides as IF XX wants another wannabe clone of her running loose in the world.

You can read her blog here.

And to ALL the Xiaxue HATERS I ask you this:

Is it because Xiaxue is infinitely more intelligent, beautiful, famous etc, that you don't like her? It is, isn't it? You like to disguise your seething jealousy of her behind political nonsense and such, don't you? You like to pick obscure and unworthy things to make fun of her for.  You call her plastic, and ugly...hmmph, I guess you're ALL unbelievably good looking, well liked geniuses from "Imaginary Land" are you? At least SHE has the guts to strive to be the best that she can be AND has the strength to stand up to people who make awful comments and "Anti-so-and-so" websites just to make others feel like crap.

WOOOOH!! I guess you all deserve an award.  Congratulations on being an ASSHOLE. Now go get a life losers.

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