
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Was it something I said?


Santa must have read my earlier ranting post about Christmas being awful and put me on the "Naughty List".  Because no matter how hard I try, I can't find a single gift. *sad face*

I thought for a bit about it, and although I'm not a big gift giver, its always nice to get something, right?  Searched high and low and still no trace...

Still, I have to admit, my Christmas this year (from Christmas day onward) was quite excellent.  I made special dishes for the at home feast and some other special request dishes to take with me to family that I visited.  They we're all happy joy about their food gifts and the "Thank You"'s  dished out we're quite sufficient indeed.

Oh good grief, I sound so annoying...but I don't care, it's my blog and Ill say what I damn well please!

Never mind...I just hope all the children of the world got to have a nice, happy Christmas.

Hope the New Year turns out better...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Has anyone seen the new "Rainbows End" commercial?


Has to be by far THE most hideous ad I have seen in all my years.  A Boy George look-alike sings the gayest song I've ever heard and it just seems to me to be a really half-arsed attempt.  No offence to gay people, it's just an expression OK!

Like why didn't Rainbows End send out like a nationwide audition for its commercial? I could probably pick 10 people off the streets that would do a better job.  In fact my neighbours sing so well, Rainbows End would probably become famous worldwide...just saying. It was bad enough the last ad they had was like fully an embarrassment, my boyfriend used to make fun of it ALL the time when he came over from Australia.

Now, now Rainbows End, THAT is so not the way to get customers streaming through the gates!  If anything, it would scare them off!  The guy (dubious...) who sings the theme song looks like a retarded psycho pedo dude who likes to dress like Willy Wonka.

All I'm saying is, NO amount of thrilling new rides will compensate for that farce.

YUCK, now all I want to do is scrub my eyeballs clean and find out where I can complain.  I wish I had evidence of said embarrassing commercials but since my broadband is at it's limit, I can't troll the net for it to show you...I will post it though...

*Rambling on...*


Xiaxue is hilarious!

I've been a fan of hers for quite sometime (like first ever blog post I read, I was hooked) and I have mentioned her before in prior posts, but until recently I had never read any of her posts from BEFORE she was famous,WHAT!?  So this morning since I had nothing else to do, I decided to read a couple of her earliest posts...


I just read the one about llamas.......FUCKING HILARIOUS!! spit, grass, grassy spit, spitty grass...FML I laughed so loud...

Some people obviously wouldn't find that funny but I do, and I'm proud that I have a warped sense of humour...keeps me interesting right?

And I mean, she's just super clever and witty.  I think I like reading her blog so much because I can relate to some of her experiences and secretly I wish I had her courage to write such a personal blog.

The WHOLE reason I started this blog was because of XX! I wont say I want to be like her, because I like being an individual and besides as IF XX wants another wannabe clone of her running loose in the world.

You can read her blog here.

And to ALL the Xiaxue HATERS I ask you this:

Is it because Xiaxue is infinitely more intelligent, beautiful, famous etc, that you don't like her? It is, isn't it? You like to disguise your seething jealousy of her behind political nonsense and such, don't you? You like to pick obscure and unworthy things to make fun of her for.  You call her plastic, and ugly...hmmph, I guess you're ALL unbelievably good looking, well liked geniuses from "Imaginary Land" are you? At least SHE has the guts to strive to be the best that she can be AND has the strength to stand up to people who make awful comments and "Anti-so-and-so" websites just to make others feel like crap.

WOOOOH!! I guess you all deserve an award.  Congratulations on being an ASSHOLE. Now go get a life losers.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Is it Merry Christmas or Merely Crazy?

Jingle bells, Jingle bells...

It's that time of the year again kids, time for the crazy, bargain-hunting "I left it till the last minute" epic fail lunatics to come out in force.  The ones who for some reason believe they're the ONLY ones out doing anything substantial or important.


Today while out driving, I was cut off twice, beeped at for slowing down at an orange light (which BTW means slow down), pushed and shoved while in line at the supermarket and some idiot EVEN tried to out-staunch me for a "last one on the shelf" grab...BITCH please!

Tsk, Tsk. Should not have gone there...

I gave her the "Quit now while you're ahead and walk away with your dignity, woman." look and took the last of said item.  Thanks very much, intimidate me you think? Not even on a bad day lady...

I just don't get why there's so much hostility going around when this is supposed to be "The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year"? 

I like to do things at my own pace, I like to take my SWEET AS time.  Ain't no festive season holiday bullshit going to make me change the way I shop. And by the looks of things, its only going to get worse!  Even more specials ring through the air in shopping malls, making already deal hungry shopping villains even more aggressive on their way to make another unnecessary purchase just because it's 50% off. 


Half of these people have more money than sense or they have hardly any money and even LESS sense.  I understand that this is the "Time for giving" but does that mean you have to run yourself into the ground to out-do someone else in the gift-giving stakes?  And then there are the parents who think that giving presents is the only way to make your child happy at Christmas time.  Uhh...I wonder if any of them think about spending less money and more TIME on their children?  

I bet if I was to stop people on the streets and ask them if any of them have thought about the impoverished kids in our country who have no real Christmas maybe a percentage around 25% would brush me off or not reply and another 10% would answer "No." and seem offended that I asked, and then perhaps another 20% would say "Yes..." and either blatantly lie to me face or lower their eyes in shame (because they only thought about it when I asked) and the rest would be divided into those who give a damn and donated to a cause for poor children and those who are actually poor.
NOTE: This is of course not based on any actual survey statistics and is my own personal opinion so get your undies out of a bunch.

The only thing I really spend any time worrying about during Christmas is organising the "Christmas Day Feast".  That's it.  I spend the few weeks leading up to Christmas procuring delectable treats for family to enjoy on that magical day.  And after the feast is done I will spend the rest of my day visiting relatives who stretch far and wide throughout this country, to spend some quality time with them.  I think that's what Christmas is all about, don't you?

How about sharing a little Christmas Spirit and spread the cheer to those less fortunate than yourselves?  I already have and so can you.  Make a donation to a charity such as the Salvation Army who spend their time helping those in need.

Have a safe and Merry Christmas!  And don't forget if you're drinking this Christmas, stay off the roads.

 If You Drink and Drive, You're A Bloody Idiot!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Summer is HERE!

Or is it?

So its now the 17th of December and here in beautiful New Zealand our summer seems to have gone on vacation.  I'm looking outside my window this morning and see rain falling. RAIN!

Ok, so this is not necessarily a bad thing but it has been raining on and off since the first day of Summer! WTF?

The rainy summer here has not only caused havoc on beach goers but recently there have been major flooding issues all over New Zealand because of it.

I know what you're thinking: What? Flooding in summer? Surely you're joking!

I'm NOT.

I think the worst areas to have been hit are in the South Island, poor South Islanders, first major earthquakes rip lives apart and then flooding washes what little is left away.

Nelson, at the moment is suffering not only significant flooding, but also land slides which are causing road blockages and already some people who haven't yet evacuated (perhaps because the roads are blocked) are running low on supplies and the power is completely out in the area.
Luckily enough though, there are supplies being sent in by light vehicles and also road crews are working on opening the main roads, clearing slips and inspecting rock faces for signs of any potential future slippages.
 Land slippage on Rocks road, Nelson

Flood damage, Nelson
In one news article I read on there was a picture of a man and in front of him is a gigantic mountain of mud that pushed through his back door and into his home.

I just hope that relief efforts are able to help this community out and that the weather here realises what season its supposed to be.

My thoughts and prayers go out to those families who are affected.

Monday, December 12, 2011

OH The Dye-ing Dilemma PT 2

Ok so you know I have had a goal to achieve maximum blonde-ness lately, as I am currently in what I call the "Blonde Ambition" phase.  

Well  I can honestly say that I as blonde as I'm going to get!  Sorry I have no proof...  :(

I know in my last entry I said I was going to post the results, but at the moment I do all my surfing, blogging and social networking on my old ass laptop, because unfortunately, being a caregiver for my Mum and blogging practically to myself, does not generate the type of revenue to upgrade said laptop.  And since I'm having some technical issues with the USB cord for my Samsung GTi5800 mobile (on which I take ALL my photos, because I have NO digital camera...oh poor me!)  I am unable to upload any images.  BLAH   >:( 

But alas! Currently I am in the process of trolling the net for affordable laptops or desktops so I can do things normally like a functional 21st century human being! 

Oh I just noticed my post has gone from one subject to a completely irrelevant subject...

Meh, onwards we go!  

Yeah so the laptop I "work" on right now I have had since 2005...and the computers name is actually "Ragged Ass Laptop".  My boyfriend calls it Ol' Faithful simply because it stood the test of time.

Frankly if it was up to me and I could afford it, this old bitch would have a "Jackass" funeral, where I would find some insane way of destroying it while being able to watch and laugh maniacally. 

But at right now I have to "make do" as they say, with what I have to work with and pray I make enough money to buy a new computer - because...I REALLY NEED ONE!!


Friday, December 9, 2011

Oh the Dye-ing dilemma...


I may have stated this in a previous post BUT for those who are new...I go through "hair phases".

I'm currently at the blonde ambition phase. AGAIN...

I have, sitting in my bathroom, right at this minute, TWO BOXES of bleach.  I'm at a crossroads right now.

I have NOT washed my hair in more than 3 days...DO NOT JUDGE ME!
It is far easier to wash oneself and get out as quick as possible than to wash your hair at the same time (I have shit to do...get OFF my back!!) than to wash my hair and wait two WHOLE days before dying my hair.

I have NO personal hygiene issues OK? A tight schedule!

So here is my dilemma: I have not washed my hair for more than 2 days YES? So therefore is it too dirty to bleach?  According to the "Bleaching hair Bible" it is better to bleach "unwashed" hair.  But how where does the unwashed" line move to the "totally GROSS you need help you filthy animal" stage?

Look I don't like having dirty hair but in  these times of "rush, rush and forget about yourself and give more to others" days, I get caught up in the wash whats necessary and move on, and in most cases I do not get an  oily  residue or a build up of products. Maybe thats just me and maybe I AM a filthy animal..."Higher Power" so help me I am not a hater-ator band-wagon-ist, So you can go ahead and "unlike" all you want.  I dont CARE!

All I care about at this point in time is whether or not my bleach blonde bottle plan works out the way I want OR not.  All I ask for is pale blonde hair (that doesn't fall out" that I can add toner to, that turns white-ish in the least so I can achieve my "white hair" goal. HA...

Hey, so anyways, has anyone gone through this dilemma OR can anyone relate?

What th hell...I'll do it anyway., results then...soon...promise.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


I'm not the most political person on  Earth but I do my part when its time to vote, so that I am entitled to an opinion.

So here it is:

In New Zealand (where I live), we have just recently had an election.  And currently the "National Party" is running the show, which is headed by none other than "lets make the rich, richer and the poor, poorer" John Key.

I voted AGAINST you John Key! As if you would read this...

I chose my vote based on what the parties had to offer.  Lets just say last term we had John Key.

He has not had the worst run of all BUT  a lot of policies he promised were never brought to light and some he just flat out rubbished.  Like for instance (which happens to be my fave), he promised to lower taxes but instead he decided it would be much better to not only raise the then GST of 12.5% to 15% but also add taxes to food! WTF? Like it isn't hard enough to get by in this world...

What? Am I supposed to grin and bear it?  I am disgusted by the fact that he blatantly disregards the citizens of New Zealand who maybe don't fit his description of a "hard working kiwi".  Sorry that the rightful residents of the country don't convey the ideal "Kiwi" description.

Promises, promises Mr Prime Minister...hows about for once a politician not only does what he or she says they're going to do and stop fucking around riding in new BMWs 'cause the old ones turned 3 and stripping poor people of what little sustenance they have left.

You want to cut the benefit if mothers don't go to work instead of looking after their babies at home is it?  Well, that's great except that New Zealand has the highest child mortality rate in the developed world.  Most of this is caused by malnutrition and poor healthcare services for children which is caused by ever decreasing welfare payments (Thanks very much, Paula Bennett, who is also a National zombie!), wouldn't it be a better idea to give the children of today the resources they need like free healthcare? And how about we start taking care of them while they're in school, like they did in the old days, where kids at school received in the least a bottle of milk for lunch.  Why can't as a government YOU cannot see that without the children we have NO future? As a suggestion I would recommend that we stop charging parents "school fees" for stupid things like printing etc and charge them a set rate that includes a free lunch each day and a better education.  Now I'm not knocking the teachers here, I believe with what resources they have, they are doing a great job. I just think the government should start thinking about things like that and not what we can do to help oversee buyers of our assets get richer at our expense..

I could say a lot worse things about our Prime Minister, which would all probably be false - it would make me feel better - but I wont.

And to all those who don't like what I have to say, I say to you "So what? You don't like it? Then go read something nonsensical and witless and go help someone who doesn't need it just so you can feel like part of the National party, you zombie."

Corporate bigwigs piss me off.  The government pisses me off.  Idiots who follow an opressive regime type government piss me off.

If you voted for National YOU piss me off...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Celebrity threats

Why is it that "regular" people feel like they have the right to abuse and threaten celebrities?

I mean, is it really necessary to judge someone else's life decisions like it really has an impact on you?  Get a life!

For instance just recently I was watching E! news and there was an article about how Selena Gomez was being attacked on Twitter for allegedly dating Justin Bieber.   Like, really?  They're just some kids (albeit rich and famous) having a good time and yet fans (and haters) find it to be their responsibility to verbally abuse Selena Gomez and threaten her.  Personally I think its cute.  I think if they want to be a couple and rent a yacht (JEALOUS!!) and sail off to the Caribbean or wherever then they should have the right to.

Seriously, these so called fans are acting like they KNOW these people, or like they've got some claim on them....seriously.  Get a grip on reality people!  They don't know you and you're probably a loser with no life who spends all their time having fantasies about celebrities. Talking to posters on the walls and crying over every bf/gf they have or break up with.

 I have advice for you: Come back to the real world, stop hating on people who don't know you, don't care about you or your opinions, live your own life and let them live theirs.  THANKS.

AND I personally LOVE Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber.  She (Selena) is really talented and totally cute on that Wizard show and Justin, well he's just awesome. I mean from a small town kid to an international sensation? That's gotta be a plate load don't you think?  These kids have enough to worry about, being celebs they already have paparazzi chasing them and invading their lives and don't "need" haters slamming them left, right and center.

I myself am an avid celebrity fanatic, I'll admit that.  I have opinions about some of them too, but the difference here is I keep my opinions to myself.

Well that's just what I have to say on the matter...

So, do you think its OK to have a say on what someone else should be doing with their life even if you dont know them personally?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cats do the WEIREST things!

Why are cats so weird?

I have a black kitten named Ninja, and he does the weirdest things.

For instance he like to run up and down the hall making these funny noises (hard to explain).  He also likes to sit under the sofa and wait for you to pass him and he comes shooting out at you, jumps all over your legs, jumps off in a sort of back-flippy way and then takes off back under the sofa.

He's so funny and cute!  My doggy Legend thinks he's her baby.  She likes to clean him up and cuddles with him when they go sleep.  I'm really proud of my dog too because she's never been around a cat much before and her last encounter with a cat earned her a scratch on the nose (poor baby!), and she's been totally cool with Ninja ever since we found him.
Well as long as he stays away from her toys he's fine.

But I have had cats as pets before and they have all been a bit weird, but Ninja takes the cake.  I have to admit though when we found him he was a stray and in VERY poor condition.  He had trust issues and didn't like to be handled.  He had a very big  injury on the back of his neck that looked like he was either attacked by another animal or a person deliberately hurt him - either way I felt bad for the poor little guy.   But I assured my boyfriend Tiki that with gentle hands he will learn that we aren't there to hurt him.  Within 2 days he was sleeping on our bed, with Legend and Tiki and I.  We have had him for about 3 weeks now and he has gained a good amount of weight and his injuries have healed and he thinks he straight owns the place!

He's sitting on the window at the moment, with his back facing out and looking back over his shoulder at the outside world.  Maybe he's shunning the outdoors, maybe he prefers to look inside?  Maybe he's just being a cat?

Cats do the WEIRDEST things!


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