
Monday, January 10, 2011

Celebrity threats

Why is it that "regular" people feel like they have the right to abuse and threaten celebrities?

I mean, is it really necessary to judge someone else's life decisions like it really has an impact on you?  Get a life!

For instance just recently I was watching E! news and there was an article about how Selena Gomez was being attacked on Twitter for allegedly dating Justin Bieber.   Like, really?  They're just some kids (albeit rich and famous) having a good time and yet fans (and haters) find it to be their responsibility to verbally abuse Selena Gomez and threaten her.  Personally I think its cute.  I think if they want to be a couple and rent a yacht (JEALOUS!!) and sail off to the Caribbean or wherever then they should have the right to.

Seriously, these so called fans are acting like they KNOW these people, or like they've got some claim on them....seriously.  Get a grip on reality people!  They don't know you and you're probably a loser with no life who spends all their time having fantasies about celebrities. Talking to posters on the walls and crying over every bf/gf they have or break up with.

 I have advice for you: Come back to the real world, stop hating on people who don't know you, don't care about you or your opinions, live your own life and let them live theirs.  THANKS.

AND I personally LOVE Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber.  She (Selena) is really talented and totally cute on that Wizard show and Justin, well he's just awesome. I mean from a small town kid to an international sensation? That's gotta be a plate load don't you think?  These kids have enough to worry about, being celebs they already have paparazzi chasing them and invading their lives and don't "need" haters slamming them left, right and center.

I myself am an avid celebrity fanatic, I'll admit that.  I have opinions about some of them too, but the difference here is I keep my opinions to myself.

Well that's just what I have to say on the matter...

So, do you think its OK to have a say on what someone else should be doing with their life even if you dont know them personally?

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