
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Energy Shot Test

So I'm pretty energetic.  Ok that's a lie...sort of.  I have an energetic personality.  I'm usually pretty bubbly but I do have dark days where I feel like there is a cloud hanging over my head, but that is beside the point. 

Back to the post subject.

Today I have decided to try an energy shot drink thing that you buy from the shops if you want like a 6 hour energy buzz.  I've never tried them before, I have had the ordinary energy drinks like Redbull etc, and I have to confess I never really experienced any effect from drinking them.

Which brings me to my current experiment.  I finally tracked down one of these shot things (so hard to find when you're looking!) and I have two sips.

Eck. Not fun to drink. 

Sorry about quality, this is taken with a mobile with no macro function. :(
The brand is "Demon" and the flavour is "Tropical punch'd".  It's a 60ml drink crammed with enough taurine, caffeine and guarana (It boasts a whopping 2462mg power blend) to warrant a cautionary note on the bottle stating "Do not drink if you wish to sleep in the next 6 hours".

Ooooh, heavy. *rolls eyes*

You could say I don't have much faith in it to pump me up, so to speak.  I'll tell you one thing though, I have like the most extreme munchies!  I have had more than two slices of pizza and almost half a garlic bread, not to mention I had a hand full (or two) of french fries. I don't smoke weed so...yeah? weird.

Another thing I will admit is that since I've had the two sips from said experimental energy boosting drink I have not lost train of thought in this post.  Usually my posts start off coherant and then slowly peter out to a babbling ramble. LOL

Anyways if this stuff gives me any kind of measurable energy kick I will try to update.  I know I kep saying that but in my defence at the time I have all intentions to do so.

Okay that's it from me, I'm going to drink the rest of this shot and find something to do "energetically". BYE

ps: check my previous post for update pics of Salas' cake and my braids.


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