
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Its a worry...

So, I realize I haven't blogged in quite some time, my family and I have been going through a transition of sorts. It sometimes seems that we are stuck in a rut and going nowhere but time is flying on by, but I digress we are alive and well and together so we are OK, we'll get there...
In saying that, I am obliged to warn you that this is a pretty long post.

Here goes...

Who agrees with me that John Key is the New Zealand version of George Bush?  And I don't mean the old one, I mean the idiot who started a war mainly because he could. THAT George Bush. I suppose Mr Key is lucky his first name isn't Don, that certainly would make him an ass.  I wouldn't be surprised if someone threw a shoe at him like the one George Bush dodged.  I literally laughed out loud and cheered a bit.  I thought to myself, "that would have been me, I would have thrown that shoe at him too".  Its blatantly obvious that whoever threw the shoe intended to miss because lets face it, a ten year old school girl could make that shot.  It was all for impact, to prove a point, to show what the people really thought of him and the shame he should feel.  It didn't have that effect however, because closed minded individuals such as George Bush and John Key don't pick up on the intricacies of public opinion.  Its awfully hard to hear the little people from so high up the ladder, isn't it?

I wonder what the consequences would be if a child threw something at John Key.  Or smacked him upside his ignorant head during on of his many public appearances whilst scraping up photo opportunities.  I really wish a baby would just throw up into his mouth. Just to see what he does with the baby.  If I was ever close to him with a baby, I'd make sure its well fed and bounce it on my knee for a good while then hand it over to our dear Premier.  He would rue the day he tried to take pictures with a baby of mine.  Now don't get me wrong I wouldn't do anything to hurt said baby, its a well know fact that babies suffer from some reflux from time to time, and I would be right there, as if I would actually let the baby go!  I'm not even saying I would do something like this, it's all hypothetical of course.

If you're thinking "wow dude, that's sick" but would totally watch if it happened, then Welcome to the Dark Side. Ha ha ha ha

It seems like he only has something to say if it makes him look good.  But if he's in the firing line or being asked the "tough" questions he freezes up and dishes out the "No comment at this time." comment or if he doesn't like that fact that people oppose him he simply says "I don't care."

Hmmm, seems to be a bit contradictory Mr Key.

When asked by a reporter from the New Zealand Listener, in May 2005 - "Mr Key, why do your children go to private schools?" He responded "Mostly for educational reasons.  Their schools have smaller classes and are better resourced than most state schools". Oh, OK, we get it, if you're not able to afford private schooling don't expect a good education. So the majority of New Zealand kids have to go to schools which are severely under funded and have poor resources?  So does that mean poor people aren't able to get the same quality of education?  Great, that's good to know that your priorities lie with those higher up on the salary scale, John.

He's not very good at fishing for votes is he? And yet he's our Prime Minister.

Not even once, but twice!

I was gobsmacked to find out that so many people didn't vote last election, a whopping 1 MILLION. A survey showed that the reasons for not voting were similar to the 2008 election. Non-voters said they had other commitments, work, could not be bothered, could not decide who to vote for, or felt their vote would not make a difference.

The biggest influence on New Zealanders who did not vote was a distrust of politicians. A third of all non-voters said this was their reason for failing to turn up on election day.

Whatever the reason, I am still disappointed.

Back to the subject of schools and government though, have you heard the latest? Some public schools are under going some pretty brutal budget cuts.  It's not bad enough that Mr Key admits that private schools are better equipped and that he prefers to send his children there because of that fact, but his Education Minister Hekia Parata says there will be two teachers dismissed from some schools.  Do you realize what this means?  It means that under resourced schools are going to be worse off because they may have to move more and more student into one room and have a single teacher but not enough material to go around.  This does not ONLY have the possibility of being detrimental to their education but it also puts more pressure on the teacher, thus potentially taking away vital learning processes for some, it is going to have an undesirable effect.

Therefore, under this new proposal isn't it safe to assume that in a classroom of 30 plus children there will be at least one little Timmy or little Suzy sitting in class not learning one bit because the teacher has her hands full?  And who will they blame?  The parents.  Even though it all starts at the top.

I worry about the future of NZ students who aren't even given the chance to succeed because what they need is going to be taken away from them.  My niece Sala attends high school at Southern Cross Campus in Mangere, here in Auckland where we live.  She's in year 12 and is doing really well.  I've met almost all of her teachers and it would be a sad day indeed if any of them were to lose their job because of an over ambitious Prime Minister and his greedy, money hungry minions.  I think two teachers lost is two too many.

Wouldn't the goal be to make it better, not worse?  To endeavor to have more students succeed in finishing secondary school and see them move on to university or another tertiary learning facility? Honestly it doesn't make any sense!

 I see that there is also a great debate on whether to implement free lunches at school or not, which personally I think would be great.  As I've said in a previous post, I'm all for giving students some nourishment to help get them through the day, but it doesn't make up for lost time in the classroom.  Paula Bennett, who is the Minister of Social Development (pfft) sees it as a waste of taxpayers dollars.  That providing government funded school lunches to children would put undue pressure on the National budget and will not go ahead in the near future.  The claim is that if they were to go forward with the scheme it would invite food producers and nutritional watchdogs to monitor the meals and constantly ask for more.  I said it before and I'll say again, incorporate the free lunch scheme into school fees.  Paula Bennett is so worried about students that may abuse the fact that there is free food to be had and will eat it even though the don't need it, but what is not being realized is that there are ways to stop this.  What I would like to know is how do you measure one child's hunger to another?  So Paula, what you're implying is that if a child is able to bring a sandwich to school they are not entitled to anymore food?  A bit extreme isn't it?

Maybe schools could create a meal plan, where parents had the option of paying a small one off fee that ensures their children will get a good meal at school.  Then maybe the student could be issued with a card of sorts with which they "purchase" their lunch.  That certainly is a viable solution, don't you think? It would give many parents who are struggling, a way to provide for their children without extra burden and feel good about it, and not have their child chastise for being from a lower socio economic family, because it could be seen as a commendable thing that a parent has done for their child, and I think over time every parent would prefer to pay the fee and children everywhere would be better off.

 If only the National party would stop trying to line their pockets and take a good look around, maybe past their fancy cars and private school educations.

That could be wishful thinking though.

Watch this space for my next post!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Energy Shot Test

So I'm pretty energetic.  Ok that's a lie...sort of.  I have an energetic personality.  I'm usually pretty bubbly but I do have dark days where I feel like there is a cloud hanging over my head, but that is beside the point. 

Back to the post subject.

Today I have decided to try an energy shot drink thing that you buy from the shops if you want like a 6 hour energy buzz.  I've never tried them before, I have had the ordinary energy drinks like Redbull etc, and I have to confess I never really experienced any effect from drinking them.

Which brings me to my current experiment.  I finally tracked down one of these shot things (so hard to find when you're looking!) and I have two sips.

Eck. Not fun to drink. 

Sorry about quality, this is taken with a mobile with no macro function. :(
The brand is "Demon" and the flavour is "Tropical punch'd".  It's a 60ml drink crammed with enough taurine, caffeine and guarana (It boasts a whopping 2462mg power blend) to warrant a cautionary note on the bottle stating "Do not drink if you wish to sleep in the next 6 hours".

Ooooh, heavy. *rolls eyes*

You could say I don't have much faith in it to pump me up, so to speak.  I'll tell you one thing though, I have like the most extreme munchies!  I have had more than two slices of pizza and almost half a garlic bread, not to mention I had a hand full (or two) of french fries. I don't smoke weed so...yeah? weird.

Another thing I will admit is that since I've had the two sips from said experimental energy boosting drink I have not lost train of thought in this post.  Usually my posts start off coherant and then slowly peter out to a babbling ramble. LOL

Anyways if this stuff gives me any kind of measurable energy kick I will try to update.  I know I kep saying that but in my defence at the time I have all intentions to do so.

Okay that's it from me, I'm going to drink the rest of this shot and find something to do "energetically". BYE

ps: check my previous post for update pics of Salas' cake and my braids.

Friday, March 23, 2012

I need help...I think?

So recently I have been sort of over processing photos of myself.  I call it "photo-surgery".  I'm starting to think I'm a Photo-surge-orexic

I cannot take a photo and post it anywhere without using an image manipulation program to alter my features.  People tell me I'm silly to do that and that after I change my photo, it looks nothing like me?

Ummm DUH! Thats the whole point. Do people really think I change my appearance because I think I'm perfect just the way I am?  Give me a break! 

I have an image in my head of what I think I look like, and then there are the times when I actually see what I look like and think "Ah, who the fuck is this ugly troll standing next to m..." then -DING! IS me. 

I have a huge ego and often I think I look exactly like how I THINK I look like, its really frustrating when I come across a mirror because then the illusion dissolves and my self image shatters again.  I'm not saying that I hate myself and that I think I'm ugly, NO I think I'm gorgeous its reality that thinks I'm "not-so-perfect".  I hate reality.  Just like when I have an awesome dream like I won the lottery or something, and then I wake up - hello reality! YOU SUCK!

So I photo-surgerize images of myself to boost my ever growing ego.  I mean I could care less what other people think of me really (most of the time), and if they're taking time out of their day to scrutinize something I'm doing, then obviously its more interesting than whet they're doing and it makes me feel like I'm better than them. HA! Take that haters!

I want to post pics of my before and after PS (photo-surgery) but the "befores" are so damn hideous that I dont want to hurt your eyes. Hmmm...I'll think about it and maybe update this post.

Watch this space!


Monday, February 27, 2012

To a Better Body...

Today I made a decision to workout this flabby lazy body of mine.  I quit smoking and I waited a while before doing any exercises because I wanted to make sure that my lungs had recovered enough that I dont cough and splutter at every movement and also everytime I used to "workout" I would stop when it got too hard or I got tired and use the excuse that I needed a smoke.

Well not anymore!

So anyways I just finished doing my first set of exercises. Which is like a freebie home made insanity type workout, which comprises of these exercises:

The set-up is simple.

After you warm up by jogging for 2 minutes, you will do one exercise 20 times, then do a moving exercise for 50 metres (or 2 minutes, if indoors) followed by the next exercise, without rest.

After you finished the whole set. You rest by jogging for 60 seconds. And then you go again!

How many sets? As Much as you can do before you collapse!

Stationary exercise     Reps     Moving Exercise
Push Ups                  20        Sprint
Inverse Crunches      20        Knee-ups
Squats                     20        Heel-ups (kick your heels to your butt, every step you make)
Burpees                   10        Lunges (do this slow..see it as your break)
Lying Leg Raises     20        Jumps, with both feet next to each other

WHEW! that was hard work!

Ok, technically I only did up to the burpees and I only did 4 and I stopped after this exercise but hey man get off my back OK? I haven't worked out since before I hit the 25 year mark. And all these spare tyres I'm carrying can get really heavy!  I know Im making excuses but at least I'm getting up and giving it a go, right?

*in tiny voice* ...and I got a cramp in my arm after doing push ups...

Boy I was huffing and puffing after just a few short minutes and I feel like I should do more...but because of my procrastinating nature I will say I need to put the garbage out and clean the kitchen, although to be perfectly honest, the only reason why I decided to work out was because I was putting off doing these chores!

Oh man, will I ever succeed in life?  I think to myself "probably not" (because I have this idea in my head that if I keep at it, that blogging will make me money...pfft), but I will say out loud "Yes I will." Im duplicitous like that. Think one thing, say another...story of my life!

Oh well...

Here are my short term goals:

 *To work out everyday
 *To lose 10kgs (I'm 165cm and 7okg)
 *To be able to do more than one set

So there we have it.  That seems to be reasonable enough.  I'm sure I can muster up some motivation everyday for some exercise.  OMG, give me strength!
Anyways I better get to those chores.

"Procrastination is the theif of time."

...and John Key is an IDIOT...
...and Paula Bennett is an fugly SLORE...

Monday, February 20, 2012

Tragedy in Queensland

Our world has lost another beautiful Angel and is worst off for it...

A father in Queensland allegedly threw his young son off Story Bridge in Queensland, Australia then proceeded to end his own miserable life.

Here is the story I read...

Man and Baby dead after Story Bridge fall.

This is the type of thing that stops me in my tracks and makes me think about all the children in the world who are violently stolen from Earth by people who think it is their right to do as they please with these innocent Angels.

I was in the process of writing a ranting post about the standard of customer service provided by certain companies until Tiki called to me to watch the evening news.

I was devastated to hear about this young childs abrupt end to his life.  I will never be able to understand, nor forgive a person who is capable of doing commiting such an act, and I probably will never try.

It is beyond my ability to comprehend or justify why someone would feel the urge to do such a terrible thing.

May the Lord take you into his arms young one. 

And to the "father" who took your young life, May God have mercy on his soul.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Bad service

Just to let you know...

The service at the Subway inside the Mobile service station on Roscommon road - OMG so bad...went there yesterday to get something for Sala to eat on my way to pick up Tiki from Craig and Shars place, and Sala orders her meal, everythings fine, except the lady who served us was like really impatient, had a really thick Indian accent and mumbled quite a bit (because believe me I understand even the thickest of accents, I like have an ear for it I think...) and was just generally rude.  So Sala oders a 6-inch steak and cheese sub and a strawberry smoothie, but after the payment is made Sala decided that instead she would rather have the carribean smoothie, which I though was fair enough, right?


Sorry, you would be mistaken if you thought that as a paying customer you could order something at Subway and then maybe change your mind.  The server says something along the lines of "No, sorry you can't change..." and Shar overhears her (and Shar is like HUGE on customer service) and asks whats the problem, the lady explains that she cant change Sala's order because she's already put it through on the till.  At first I was like, HUH?  Then Shar goes rank on this chick serving us and starts drilling her about why, it was so funny but I was holding my God Son C.J and decided we should just keep this moving along, so I said to Shar "Are you ordering C.J a strawberry smoothie?", she goes "Yeah," so I said "just order a carribean and we'll swap ok?" Shar replies "Ok."  and turns and orders while glaring at this ignorant woman.

So we wait while our server chats to her workmate for about a minute, then she runs some tap water into a jug, continues to chat to her co-worker for another minute or so then decides she better start making the smoothies.  At this point she disappears into the back area for a few minutes, we're standing around thinking "Wow, the fruit must be so fresh she's gone to harvest it!".
A few minutes pass by and she returns with two frozen packets, obviously the smoothie ingredients, and blends them up with the water in the jug from the tap, then when they're done she hands them over.

The wait could have been acceptable if the service was better but not when we tasted the smoothies. Did I say smoothies?  Should be correctly advertised as "Watery frozen fruit drink with powdery after taste" instead. Well Sala actually liked hers but the strawberry one was horrible.

So if you live near Roscommon Road Mobile station and know/have met the ignorant bitch who works there, tell her she should not forget that without a customer there is no sale, and without a sale, there is no job - So DROP THE FUCKING ATTITUDE AND EARN YOUR MONEY!

And on a lighter note, I have purchased a battery charger for my camera and I'm waiting impatiently for it to arrive...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Decoden FAIL...

FML!  Shitty shit...

The most annoying thing happened.  ALL my decoden-ing hard work went down the drain today as I realised that my pretty jewels and flowers and cute buttons and whatever else junk I was planning on looking at everytime before I opened my laptop fell off.

Fell OFF!

So annoyed, seeing as I spent hours figuring out how exactly I wanted it to look and I even started to glue shit on there and then - dun, DUN, DUNNN!!!

Things falling off left, right and center simply because I decided to apply a protective film (clear contact paper) because I'm super paranoid about wrecking my lovely new laptop and the glue wont stick properly to the contact paper! Son of a Bitch...

Now I am left wondering where do I go from here...

Do I -
A: Rip the contact paper off and glue stuff directly to my laptop and wreck it forever, because epoxy is like the hardest shit to get off?
B: Find an alternative glue to use (ie hot glue, super glue, liquid cement etc)?
C: Wallow in self pity, bitch and moan and nag about it until I forget about it? I'm not going to hold my breath for option "C" as the " bitching, moaning and nagging" seems endless where I am concerned, regardless of issue...

Well I suppose its not all bad, I still have my totally unique and pretty keyboard which I deco'd myself with ingenuity alone (and stickers and glitter and things...).  Here are some pics of my progress before it all decided to crumble before my eyes...SOB!

Here is the "before" pic - the only thing I changed was the screen saver - My Little Ponies - such an improvement, don't you think?

And from here on I will play sad music and mourn what could have been...
The first step..But wait there's more!

Some of the supplies...

Some assembly required. Get a grown up to help here...

After I added the lace and ribbon!

And I wasn't even half way done yet...WAAAHHH!!

See my keyboard? How pretty is THAT? I painstakingly applied every single sticker...

 So there it is, until I figure out "where to from here", It will stay plain and undecorated.

I'm too depressed and annoyed to go on,  and there will be those readers who
might think that I am totally shallow and that there are other things more important to blog about like famine and poverty, but those are things that I have no control over so get over it.


Pretty Pics...

Pretty Pics...
Oh wait thats

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